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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the JCN factory.

Export of Products

Export of JCN products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All JCN products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant JCN: solar monopanels, polymer, flexible, folding, double glass batteries, energy systems, portable lanterns, outdoor, garden lamps, chargers
  • Solar monopanels JCN
    Solar monopanels
    M50, M30, M55, etc.
  • Polymer solar panels JCN
    Polymer solar panels
    P250, P255, P260, etc.
  • Flexible solar panels JCN
    Flexible solar panels
    20W, 10W, 80W, etc.
  • Folding solar panels JCN
    Folding solar panels
    FM xx, 2F xx, etc.
  • Double Glass Solar Panels JCN
    Double Glass Solar Panels
    P265, P260, etc.
  • Solar energy systems JCN
    Solar energy systems
    SJ-1007-01, F-102, etc.
  • Solar-powered lanterns JCN
    Solar-powered lanterns
    XZJ-D012, FS30201, etc.
  • Solar Garden Lamps JCN
    Solar Garden Lamps
    0611B, 0612B, etc.
  • Solar Street Lights JCN
    Solar Street Lights
    80w, 60w, etc.
  • Solar Chargers JCN
    Solar Chargers
    9V, 200 AH, etc.


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